Most active GitHub users by country

The daily updated list of top GitHub users by public contributions, total contributions, and the number of followers by country. Don’t forget to share it on social media.

Gayan Kuruppu
4 min readJun 15, 2021
top gitHub users by country
Top GitHub users by country

TLDR; Go to Top GitHub Users by Country

When it comes to open source collaboration across the world, GitHub comes first in our minds. It is a social media network for developers who like to share their source codes with other developers. GitHub consists of 56 million developers, with over 1.9 billion contributes to its 60 million repositories.

But how do you find your place in this vast Octoverse? For that reason, I created this GitHub Action that does not require any databases, hosting, and domain names from third parties. It executes the code every hour and saves changes to the repository.

Top GitHub users by public contributions in India
Top GitHub users by public contributions in India
Top GitHub users by total contributions in India
Top GitHub users by total contributions in India
Top GitHub users by followers in India
Top GitHub users by followers in India

This creates stability, adds many other reports, and supports more countries. This program generates lists of top users by public contributions, total contributions, and the number of followers for each country. It also supports 136 countries from small countries like Andorra to large countries like India, China, and the United States. But sometimes due to errors and failures of GitHub GraphQL API queries fewer users.

Top GitHub users by public contributions in Iran
Top GitHub users by public contributions in Iran

The other feature is an interactive map that visualizes the total number of public contributions by country. The data refreshes each time after the scheduled update. So this map gives a real-time view of the density of contributions by each country. You can see North America, Asia, and Europe leads the map.

Top GitHub users by public contributions in Russia
Top GitHub users by public contributions in Russia

The relative distortions that are created by few users that have a higher number of public contributions have been reduced by adding limits. The maximum number of commits that each user is limited to 10,000. This feature only uses in this map feature.


By using the map you can see how the audience spread across the continents. The contributions are widely dependent on the country’s economic, technical advancements and the maturity of the tech industry.

Many African countries are lagging due to a less workforce with technology skills. Some smaller nations like Pacific Island countries are completely removed from the program due to fewer or not enough users from those countries. The central American and central Asian countries are also performing far less on contributing to GitHub largely because of economic reasons.

How it collects user data?

The program uses GraphQL API to query uses by its location. Due to the limitations of the GitHub GraphQL API, the only way to query these millions of users is by the number of followers. Each time the program queries a maximum number of 1000 users sorted by ascending form by the number of followers each user.

This minimum number of followers of each user depends on each country. For example, Andorra they only required to have 0 followers to be on the list due to its population size. But when it comes to Germany, India, China, or United States you might need several hundred to appear on the list. GitHub actions are offered free of use without any limitations for public repositories.

Go to Top GitHub users by Country and don’t forget star ⭐ the repository

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Gayan shares articles and repositories on ASP.NET Core, Java Spring, and Android.

You can connect with him on Medium, Twitter, or GitHub

